David Claerbout

David Claerbout (b. 1969, Belgium) is a video artist whose work observes the banal and mundane, whilst focusing on global changes occurring from one instant to the next. Through his attention to the passing moment, however minor, Claerbout seeks to generate a cognitive change among viewers. His innovative use of narrative and technology, together with meticulous attention to the slightest details, lends his work its singular and unique aspect, generating a sense of time-based events. Claerbout has held many solo shows around the world, including in Tel Aviv, Brussels, London, Geneva and the United States.

Related exhibitions: The Towering Inferno, Potent Wilderness

Further information: http://www.davidclaerbout.com/

David Claerbout, Orchestra, 2011, Laserchrome transparency mounted on opal matt diasec in aluminium lightbox

David Claerbout, Breathing Bird, 2012, Two-Channel Video on two flat screens (19”), Colour, Silent, Loop

David Claerbout, Nightscape Lightbox (Fourth), 2002 – 2003, Aluminium Lightbox and Cibachrome print on plexiglass

The collection