Egon Schiele (1890-1918, Austria) was a painter and protégé of Gustav Klimt from whom he was highly influenced. Schiele’s paintings and drawings are characterized by their fragile lines, anaemic yet wonderfully precise, which depict their subjects in faint sickly colors, as if they, and the entire world, are on the brink of extinction. Schiele’s many works attend to nakedness and expose the body in all its malady and humanity thus presenting a stark opposition to the Vienna’s culture of shame and concealment. Many of his portraits are either self-portraits or portraits of friends and acquaintances. His relation with Klimt helped him exhibit his work during his lifetime, but his promising career was halted with his untimely death at 28 from Spanish flu. His works are still considered ground-breaking and are on show in leading international art collections.
Egon Schiele
The collection
Doug Aitken
Darren Almond
Francis Alÿs
Diane Arbus
Richard Avedon
Charles Avery
Gili Avissar
Miroslaw Balka
Ido Bar-El
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Eitan Ben Moshe
Avner Ben-Gal
Walead Beshty
Sanford Biggers
Valery Bolotin
Yossi Breger
Chris Burden
Ariel Caine
David Claerbout
Abraham Cruzvillegas
Dror Daum
Nurit David
Willem de Kooning
Marlene Dumas
William Eggleston
Olafur Eliasson
Mula Eshet
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Ryan Gander
Yair Garbuz
Moshe Gershuni
Tamar Getter
Rodney Graham
Michael Gross
George Grosz
Andreas Gursky
David Hammons
Mona Hatoum
Jeppe Hein
Oran Hoffman
Johannes Kahrs
Wassily Kandinsky
Craig Kauffman
William Kentridge
Anselm Kiefer
Martin Kippenberger
Per Kirkeby
Miki Kratsman
Barbara Kruger
Moshe Kupferman
Gabriel Kuri
Sigalit Landau
Elad Larom
Elad Lassry
Raffi Lavie
Sol LeWitt
Tamir Lichtenberg
Ella Littwitz
Melanie Manchot
Robert Mapplethorpe
Christian Marclay
Marino Marini
Paul McCarthy
John McCracken
Ido Michaeli
Matan Mittwoch
Amedeo Modigliani
Michal Na’aman
Bruce Nauman
Helmut Newton
Moshe Ninio
Gabriel Orozco
Philippe Parreno
Irving Penn
Raymond Pettibon
Pablo Picasso
Alex Prager
Richard Prince
Neo Rauch
Daniel Richter
Gerhard Richter
Elham Rokni
Thomas Ruff
Robert Ryman
Hanna Sahar
Egon Schiele
Thomas Schütte
Kurt Schwitters
Richard Serra
Gil Marco Shani
Cindy Sherman
Haim Steinbach
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Nahum Tevet
Jan Tichy
Igael Tumarkin
Luc Tuymans
Micha Ullman
Andy Warhol
Andro Wekua
Christopher Williams
Cerith Wyn Evans
Amir Yatziv
Natalie Zourabova